(You might also be interested in the second prototype version of this: Robots Love To Do People Things.)
The October Berlin Mini Jam was crazy enough – we had a triple splitscreen with blinds made out of cardboard and and a MakeyMakey game using fruits and vegetables as controllers. (“And to shoot, you just touch the plum.”)
Fueled by this energy, I made this toy prototype for the theme “Lab Experiment”:
Remote Person Control
One person gets a computer and
a gamepad: The Controller.
One person gets a smartphone, earphones
and closes their eyes: The Robot.
The Controller can now steer the Robot
with transmitted voice commands:
“Left, left, stop, forward, forward…”
Like I say in the video, it’s not finished. It is just a toy right now – I ran out of time to make it a game. I’m thinking about adding commands like “Move your body” and “Move your right hand” so you can actually steer the Robot’s hands too – and then have a command like “grab” to pick up stuff, for example.
The prototype was already a fun experience even with just simple directional controls though. It feels really interesting to use a gamepad to control something in real life (and a human on top of it) instead of something on the screen!
Bugs, Bugs, Bugs
While working with Unity is normally a pleasure and developing Android has proven to be far more straightforward than other mobile platforms, this time I just got terribly unlucky. Here is how I spent my time:
Closing Words
And now, a screenshot from the video, so that Facebook etcetera knows which image to use:

Who knows where exactly I’ll take this? Certainly not me, although I have some ideas. Maybe the next jam will be the time to find out!